Despite everything, it's Christmas again (2020)

This year 2020 has been an atypical year. It’s the year of the pandemic that’s not unusual in human history; in fact it happens more or less every 100 years. What has been unusual is the treatment: instead of letting the natural selection, that the immune systems adapt (as they end up doing) and that the mutations of the same virus lower its lethality (this is what happens to the virus, for survive virus is not interested to kill its host); for the first time it has been decided to fight the virus.

Nothing went well. Many people have lost their lives, others their way of life. It said: crises bring out the best in everyone. Unfortunately this has shown that this isn’t true. To the efforts and dedication that a small part of the population has done, the rest we have responded with protests and complaints; the five minutes of daily applause do not make up for the demonstrated lack of collective responsibility. Each claim, complaint or denunciation we could read implicitly "only for 1% of deaths". The random mistakes of infallible science have helped much either, the doctorates male/female alpha criticizing decisions for ignoring them, helped by journalists and other commentators with the only criterion of whether it is in their favor or against their interests. And the authorities have shown their incompetence, not so much by their fails, inevitable in a situation like this; but by the attempt to make a profit, not speaking clearly and hiding their mistakes.

Yes we must put distance between us. But it is so hard for us to understand, that the only weapon the virus has, is to take advantage of our behavior. Custom or selfishness are so hard like us, that we can’t understand that from March of this year and maybe in 2022 or never, we will be able to live the life that we did until this fateful date.

Despite everything, I wish you to have the best time possible these days, take care of yourself, and keep in mind that wanting to bring joy could bring death to others.

Merry Christmas and the 2021 will be better year than what we left.

And to give you some joy, I'm attach this link to a carol

Fortunately everything will end because nothing is forever. The virus and its consequences will join us in the coming years; and it will mark their whole life who has lived it.


  1. La pel·lícula 2001 no és entretinguda, l'art no ha de ser entretingut al 100%, ha de ser vist com una anàlisi, una realitat des d'un punt de vista diferent del nostre. No ens ha d'agradar perquè sigui bo no. Aquesta pel·lícula no busca entretenir l'espectador de la manera com ho fa Marvel amb les seves pel·lícules on tot és acció rere acció, baralla rere baralla. L'odissea espacial d'Arthur C Clarke i Kubrick (aquest últim només el 2001), mostren la realitat, mostren la vida en un futur. Més enllà de si hi haurà batalles posapocalítiques, et mostren un dia a la vida d'algú, en aquest cas posarem el protagonista del 2001, Dave Bowman, qui mostra el seu dia a dia, la seva vida sencera. Si llegim la novel·la de Clarke veiem fins i tot els pensaments de Moonwatcher (un dels simis del principi). Ens ha de quedar clar que l'art no es valora per què tant ens diverteix, sinó que tant transcendeix en la nostra vida i el món sencer


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