
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: agost, 2013

There are argues no valid and there are argues wrong

A lot of thinks and points of view are the engine that makes to grown our knowledge. Societies with freedom of thinking are where knowledge, technology and economy rise and societies where thinking is restricted will became stagnant and impoverished. Luckily the human mind can’t be stop and it finds ways where it can develop. The academy isn’t the home of wises but it’s the home of ideas however these run in streets, factories and even pubs; human think is manifesting in where people can be, and every idea are making the human knowledge. So any argue can’t be exclude . It can be wrong but this would worry us, because time and better argues will discard it. Unfortunately sometimes some people make argues to avoid prosper other argue. This is very legitimate if the counterargument serves to rich the discussion and it give better proves. But usually this argue only provides noise at discussion with its only finality is stopping the new idea, which often puts in danger basic concepts. In

The lost world

When I was child I remember my grandmother with a big cardboard box plenty of old pictures. These photos showed people, parties, sites… souvenirs of a life. She had showed them because she didn't want to lose a remembrance of these people, mainly death, and what did pass; and she showed us, her grandsons, because we will survive her and with us the remembrance survives too. I liked to see these pictures. They put me in sites out from my reach, and sometimes I think that generate me the interest for histories of sites, buildings, roads, anonymous people and how a current thing can be arrived in front me today. Luckily people recorded most important events since immemorial times (never better said), but obviously ordinary facts, people or sites must be omitted and their remembrance lost forever. Official history only talks about few facts, principals which were making the continuous of it, but doesn’t talk about the world where these facts were happening. The box plenty of picture

Stop the madness

Ecuador announces in the last dais its intentions of drilling oil in the tropical forest . Ecuador tropical forest is a natural reserve of biosphere, and in its land life a few thousands of aboriginal human groups in total isolate of world, the natural value of these forests are uncountable. The reason adduced by Ecuador government is that United Nations doesn’t pay for the conservation of these forests and it’s the mandatory of Ecuador government to be care of its people and oil will gives thousands of works and the money that will come with oil will be using for eradication of people poverty and save the environment (irony of politics haven’t limits). But who’re us to deny at country of Ecuador the right to raze its tropical forests? when Brazil makes the same, practice that put it in the group of twentieth economical powerful countries; or Argentina in Patagonia, Australia drilling the Great Barrier and Canada with Tar-Sands in Alberta. How we want to stop the ‘legitimate’ int