
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: agost, 2014

Windmills or helical turbines

The Windmill has become part of the passage, but it can also become a memory Don Quixote fought to the windmills in the sixteenth century. The wind has been joining to the wood burning one of main human sources of energy. Not long ago, and even today in a sportsmanlike manner, our ships crossing the seas by the wind; and in everywhere we can find mills which are grinding grain or pumping water. So history offers us a way to replacement the fossil power station in front of the disaster of global warming; but has several drawbacks as usual with all renewable energies, hence the difficulty imposed on fossil fuels. When I wrote “ We must change the way we see energy ” I had exposed the difficulty of supply our demand, not only amount of energy and power but punctual peak of them. Another problem is an eco-landscape. The mills are huge blades that rotate at speed relatively slow but relentless with birds that cross the large area covered by them; may appear to be somewhat ane