
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: 2013


Fourier formulate any type of periodic function might seem complex could always be represented as a sum of harmonic functions. Of harmonic functions are of many types but the most popular is the Sinus. Sinusoidal functions [ f(t)=A*sin(wt) or f(t)=A*cos(wt) ] ; are the trigonometric function with a parameter that is the amplitude is maximum and minimum value of this, a second parameter w ( omega ) named frequency, and a variable t ( time usually but not necessarily also be a distance). Then this periodic function can be represented by combining different harmonic functions which are chosen appropriately amplitudes and frequencies. These harmonic functions can describe many things, but the most popular description where it commonly is often associated in music and sound. The voice for example we represent it with a histogram of pressure variations at one point depending on the time, these histograms are terribly complex, just like musical instruments, but when we play an instrument

Trying to understand Warsaw

Warsaw Climate Conference has been a fault. But nobody surprise of it, every year there is Climate Conference and the result is equal: good words and nothing more. In Doha conference was even ridiculous, because how they want to speak about CO 2 reduction in home of great world producer of Oil ? One sign of their redundancy is the very poor coverage by the press, we could name it as the “ hidden conference ”; people can say more or less what Kyoto Protocol is, but asking the signatories they can’t say what about the current commitments.   Obviously specialized press has echoed of event. They showed to word the desperation of scientific world, the cynicism of skeptics and paralyze of politics. Fiona Harvey talks in “ As the Warsaw climate talks end, the hard work is just beginning ” about work that countries have in home to prepare the 2015 conference. I haven’t any doubt of countries will but the reductions of 2015 had been to apply today; in fact CO 2 has increased rathe

To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

Gold has been the dream of humans since the day we start to work with it. The Bible speaks about King Midas which God gave him the power to turn everything he touched into gold, obviously this initial blessing it became a curse because to transform all in gold, he was starved, gold does not eat. Despite this warning Biblical trying to explain the difference between value and price , gold has historically been an obsession. We has drilled, searched and kill for it, whole mountains have been torn down and auger abyss which we can be seen from space. During the Middle Ages there was a group of intrepid wises who wanted to imitate the legendary king and they searched the Philosopher's Stone which turns lead into gold, we now know that this is possible thanks to the Atomic physics* but to mixt tears of Owl and mustache toad they were far from their objective. Today we are continuing hoarding gold, which buys goods and souls for nothing. I do not want to talk about it. Similarly t

Fahrenheit 451: the temperature which knowledge begin to burn

In a no far future when houses will be fireproof; firefighters will not extinguish fire but their new job will be to burn books. This is the approach of Ray Bradbury in his novel Fahrenheit 451 where he described a world without lecture and books forbidden . 451 degree Fahrenheit (233 Celsius degree) is the threshold to ignition of organic matter in consequence paper that are make the books. The novel isn’t a defense of editorial industry but they talk about ignorance of society. Societies where all needs are covering people lose their curiosity and they will become believer to the government speech. The easy life helps to accept the status of thing without critics, and the fear of losing the comfortable life blokes mind of ideas that can put in danger this status. In short it has a life of vegetable.     Ray shows people lobotomized by TV unique channel of knowledge and the way to manipulate population. This novel was write in 1953 in the USA of American dream way life, i

After storm will always be calm

Sometimes skeptics of Climate Change talk about how people will be able to live in a hotter or cool climate. They show as prove the multiple changes of climate that our species has pained in all of its history. It’s true that humans were living in two ice age and other ages when climate was more warm than today . These things prove how great our capacity of adaptation at boundary conditions is. But when we talk about Climate Change, we aren’t talking about what will happen after but we are giving reference of what will be happening in transit.   Of course, after changing climate will be normal . Humans that will remain in Earth can begin other time their activities. But nothing will be equal as before . The new normality will be different as today and all beins of our planet will change its geographical distribution, number, and relation with other beings. Humans couldn’t continue their current activities, they will have another, but current activities are linking with curre

Gas tanks, fracking and more human ideas

People have a bad concept of time. I think that people see time as an object stopped, similar a space. It’s true that time is other dimension but it’s false that it is stopped. Time is move with us. When we see a hole long away, the best solution is will not go there; but in time we can’t do it and sooner or later we will down in it. Sometimes people ignore this reality and even to see the hold in horizon they do as hold never will come here, but time never stop; hold arrive and we can’t do nothing also .   Humans have the capacity of planning. Even we don’t have a good concept of what is the time, we can schedule our actions. This capacity makes able the success of our species . But how deep is our schedule capacity? Of course we can’t schedule our actions until infinite because we aren’t able to know all constrains that are around us. As I said in “ Reality always overcomes the numeric models ” there are effects as Butterfly Effect or the human ignorance generate unforese

Reality always overcomes the numeric models

Today one of the most seeing TV program is little section about weather, even there are channels dedicates at the meteorological information. Their success is in their magical precision to predict the future. Yes, it’s only weather but humanity likes magicians and fortune-teller, and weather newsreels have a little of future prediction. Obviously weathermen isn’t a wizard, the background of their prediction is a very good mathematical structure. But mathematics alone can’t predict anything ; the real secret is the modeling of atmosphere what is able to make this miracle. The degree of success will give the degree of similitude that has model respect the reality. Models are models and reality is other thing. Model is only a simplification of we can sense reality could be. Atmosphere, our reality, is spectacularly complex . As a beginning we can consider which variables of the atmosphere are interesting of our model and which variables can be ignored; but in variables there is a

War, when humanity shows out the Monkey that it has inside

Encara que la mona es vestís de seda, en mona es queda Translate: Although the monkey dress in silk, in monkey remains Today September 10th, Syria war is discussing between an international attack (without UN agree) and transfer of Syrian regime chemical weapons to Russian.  Meanwhile civil population is continuing suffer combats between government and revels, what began as a cry for freedom from decades of authoritarian rule and ruthless, it become with a continuation of millennial struggle between Sunni and Shiite, where the revel government in exile has the sad rule of accompaniment of forces that are above them. In this scenario the question is: Will attack serve for something? or, Is there a good side? or better said, Will attack affect any fighters or will only hurt the civilian population?   Syrian war is one of a lot of wars that humanity has struggled throughout history. Today there are some wars more in fight around the world these are silencing for the immediacy o

There are argues no valid and there are argues wrong

A lot of thinks and points of view are the engine that makes to grown our knowledge. Societies with freedom of thinking are where knowledge, technology and economy rise and societies where thinking is restricted will became stagnant and impoverished. Luckily the human mind can’t be stop and it finds ways where it can develop. The academy isn’t the home of wises but it’s the home of ideas however these run in streets, factories and even pubs; human think is manifesting in where people can be, and every idea are making the human knowledge. So any argue can’t be exclude . It can be wrong but this would worry us, because time and better argues will discard it. Unfortunately sometimes some people make argues to avoid prosper other argue. This is very legitimate if the counterargument serves to rich the discussion and it give better proves. But usually this argue only provides noise at discussion with its only finality is stopping the new idea, which often puts in danger basic concepts. In

The lost world

When I was child I remember my grandmother with a big cardboard box plenty of old pictures. These photos showed people, parties, sites… souvenirs of a life. She had showed them because she didn't want to lose a remembrance of these people, mainly death, and what did pass; and she showed us, her grandsons, because we will survive her and with us the remembrance survives too. I liked to see these pictures. They put me in sites out from my reach, and sometimes I think that generate me the interest for histories of sites, buildings, roads, anonymous people and how a current thing can be arrived in front me today. Luckily people recorded most important events since immemorial times (never better said), but obviously ordinary facts, people or sites must be omitted and their remembrance lost forever. Official history only talks about few facts, principals which were making the continuous of it, but doesn’t talk about the world where these facts were happening. The box plenty of picture

Stop the madness

Ecuador announces in the last dais its intentions of drilling oil in the tropical forest . Ecuador tropical forest is a natural reserve of biosphere, and in its land life a few thousands of aboriginal human groups in total isolate of world, the natural value of these forests are uncountable. The reason adduced by Ecuador government is that United Nations doesn’t pay for the conservation of these forests and it’s the mandatory of Ecuador government to be care of its people and oil will gives thousands of works and the money that will come with oil will be using for eradication of people poverty and save the environment (irony of politics haven’t limits). But who’re us to deny at country of Ecuador the right to raze its tropical forests? when Brazil makes the same, practice that put it in the group of twentieth economical powerful countries; or Argentina in Patagonia, Australia drilling the Great Barrier and Canada with Tar-Sands in Alberta. How we want to stop the ‘legitimate’ int


An important feature of this planet where we’re living in is the omnipresence of a mineral which abundance is often not valued, the water. Obviously the areas where this mineral is rare for immediate use is considered an object of great value, but majority places it hasn’t value. Currently the overpopulation this vision is changing, and usually we begins to have a perception of scarce resource, which is not entirely true, although it should take measures to ensure this doesn’t end up being a reality. It’s affirming that future wars will be with the water, and I don’t doubt that it will end up being true, but mainly by incompetence and lack of vision, responsible for most of human disasters that happen to us, not by lack of most abundant mineral in the earth's crust. This planet is the son of the water . But part of the basis of life also involved in most geological processes and rules the climate. Ultimately it is the agent that makes Earth so different place from the rest of

Science people and beliefs

Knowledge can’t guaranty happiness of the people but it makes free them What doesn’t mean be free when we are only a path to walk? And if exists more lanes to follow when you only knows the existence of one, Where is our election?  Only when we know different possibilities for choosing, we can exercise the freedom . Dictatorial and other powers always prove to cut the general knowledge. When people have a small world they have greater security and trends to believe in unquestionable truths, so people accept resignedly the power dictates.  Sometimes is the own academy what closes in a crystal jail it, under pretext of majority of people doesn’t be ready to get it, therefore hide in back of this ascension there is often fear to lose their privileged position.  But the main wall that knowledge must thought is indeed the people resistance.   Children have a natural predisposition to learn. They need to learn because sooner or later they must take their site in society. They have

No matter if the climate evolves into hotter or cooler

Recently climate change skeptics have unearthed the memory lane of the climate crisis Global Cooling . In the 70s an unexpected drop in temperatures while few years made meteorologists postulated that a new ice age came. Obviously if they mistake then why aren’t they mistaking now? The answer is the same as I said in previous writings, since 1850 approx. that temperatures have a tendency to rise exponential and what is happening in one year or two isn’t significant; we can see that kind of fluctuations are doing in this upward trend. The assertion that the heat of recent years is only a fluctuation of the climate isn’t entirely true. If it would be a fluctuation in temperature, trend moves around a center line, and this isn’t observed even we move our data to many years before 1850. Precisely this was the mistake that made these meteorologists to take only a short interval data. But this statement we must also include those who believe that the change to cold is real. In this posi