Stop the madness

Ecuador announces in the last dais its intentions of drilling oil in the tropical forest. Ecuador tropical forest is a natural reserve of biosphere, and in its land life a few thousands of aboriginal human groups in total isolate of world, the natural value of these forests are uncountable. The reason adduced by Ecuador government is that United Nations doesn’t pay for the conservation of these forests and it’s the mandatory of Ecuador government to be care of its people and oil will gives thousands of works and the money that will come with oil will be using for eradication of people poverty and save the environment (irony of politics haven’t limits). But who’re us to deny at country of Ecuador the right to raze its tropical forests? when Brazil makes the same, practice that put it in the group of twentieth economical powerful countries; or Argentina in Patagonia, Australia drilling the Great Barrier and Canada with Tar-Sands in Alberta. How we want to stop the ‘legitimate’ intention of Ecuador to take profit of its natural resources, when the mainly of industrial countries razed their nature before and now they gossip for the loser of nature in others lands.
Foto - UNDP

If we take this news isolate of the current world state, we can take two possible positions: first we can think in the freedom of every country to do with its natural resources what they think better; and second the defense of World environment and the preservation of natural patrimony. But current reality put both things out of real discussion. Today our power of environmental transformation makes everything that can do every country transcendent in all the world, making the individual decision will be concerns to the other world people; in other hands people can’t impose at poor countries, which mainly have the last verge nature, the prohibition of explode their natural sources and this will be free for them. Today the globalization imposes us to see world with one thing, and the two arguments we must bury definitively. 
But Ecuador isn’t a singularity in the current time. As I say before we can find all examples of depredation of mythical sites of nature; two paradigmatic situations are the profit of polar zones (north mainly, and Antarctic) thanks to the melt of ice. Today countries and economic powers run a crazy race of who extract more and quick natural resources. In ‘infinite growth’ I expose how humans only want grown, but now things are accelerating as the world will finish yet. Obviously if we continue this race certainly world will finish now, but this isn’t the question that I want say in the current write, I want talk about the less understand of economical and politic world have of the time that they are living.
I can’t understand how people with responsibilities can defend today the need of green politicizes and tomorrow allow the destruction a natural reserve, sincerely the blame wouldn’t allow them to go out of their homes. The schizophrenic world where we are living has two speech in contradiction one to other but they are using indistinct with all the actors of the current world. Conservative people whose never want change but they hasn’t any problem to raze traditional landscapes where sometimes are based their traditions; in other way revolutionary people whose want to burn traditions, way of life and anything that smells musty, are opposing at all kind of progress. But the main problem is in the abuse of language, and things have loosed its real meaning; today speeches are a succession of words where nobody knows exactly what speaker would say really.
Therefore the language confusion is wished by mainly actors. Thanks of this ambiguity they can hold any kind of argue. Mundial actors are due to two or three lords: current people which they serve if they are politics, actionist in private sector, who pay their bills, even Good if they are believer; and it’s more difficult satisfice the will of every lord. However no all the lords have the same weight, and who pay the bills wins above the rest of lords; but they must conserves the forms, and they intent say what want listen every lord who they serves.
Today and before economic powers guides world politics. But natural forces guide the planet independent of the opinion or wish of economic powers. This fight always has a winner, obviously natural forces, so the consequence is fatal to the humanity. Humans have a great capacity to learn but they never learn of their mistakes. We are in front to new abyss where we are accelerating to arrive yet.
One of the abysses where we run to meet our fate is the climate change. Temperatures rise, CO2 increases, and weather became extreme. Politicians and organizations worldwide do conferences, meeting and plans; but after they don't fulfill any of its commitments. There is the challenger to reduce CO2 emission in a few years, but projects of drilling oil grown exponentially as we approach the dates where the emission must be reduced. Something are wrong because how we can increase the extraction of oil when we should stop burning.
Humanity are going crazy. Sometimes I think that world actors are believing that world is lost and no matter that they do. It’s possible that it will be true and today the fate is done. However if the fate is written, this doesn’t give the right to destroy all thing that put in front us. We must stop the madness because future is writing day by day. What we had destroyed never will come us and part of future will evolve as consequence that we were doing until today, but we can change our aptitude and then it can turn a little the way that we are lead until now. Certainly a little turn shouldn’t impedes to jump the abyss. We can jump an assumable height if we correct way that we spent, on the contrari we will jump a never end hold.


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