
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: abril, 2016

Volcanoes, when everything changes in a second

On 24 August 79 AD the city of Pompeii , in the Gulf of Naples, was buried by an eruption of Vesuvius . Vesuvius has a tendency to have explosive eruptions but the burial of Pompeii was something that had long been warning the volcano, in fact it had already erupted, something that attracted Pliny the Elder and his son to study. Ignorance caused the evacuation began already in the great eruption , trapping its inhabitants ash rain and pyroclastic flow. The eruption was described by Pliny the Younger, because his father (The Older) was one of the victims, the official date recorded by him is incorrect, it doesn’t agree with known dates and physical evidence in the excavations; but t he document is the first scientific description of an eruption , and surely the date is a transcription error by not having the original document. Pyroplastic Flow as which killed Pompeii people Today the slopes of Vesuvius are populated by one of the most important conurbations del Mediterranean: