
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: juliol, 2013


An important feature of this planet where we’re living in is the omnipresence of a mineral which abundance is often not valued, the water. Obviously the areas where this mineral is rare for immediate use is considered an object of great value, but majority places it hasn’t value. Currently the overpopulation this vision is changing, and usually we begins to have a perception of scarce resource, which is not entirely true, although it should take measures to ensure this doesn’t end up being a reality. It’s affirming that future wars will be with the water, and I don’t doubt that it will end up being true, but mainly by incompetence and lack of vision, responsible for most of human disasters that happen to us, not by lack of most abundant mineral in the earth's crust. This planet is the son of the water . But part of the basis of life also involved in most geological processes and rules the climate. Ultimately it is the agent that makes Earth so different place from the rest of

Science people and beliefs

Knowledge can’t guaranty happiness of the people but it makes free them What doesn’t mean be free when we are only a path to walk? And if exists more lanes to follow when you only knows the existence of one, Where is our election?  Only when we know different possibilities for choosing, we can exercise the freedom . Dictatorial and other powers always prove to cut the general knowledge. When people have a small world they have greater security and trends to believe in unquestionable truths, so people accept resignedly the power dictates.  Sometimes is the own academy what closes in a crystal jail it, under pretext of majority of people doesn’t be ready to get it, therefore hide in back of this ascension there is often fear to lose their privileged position.  But the main wall that knowledge must thought is indeed the people resistance.   Children have a natural predisposition to learn. They need to learn because sooner or later they must take their site in society. They have

No matter if the climate evolves into hotter or cooler

Recently climate change skeptics have unearthed the memory lane of the climate crisis Global Cooling . In the 70s an unexpected drop in temperatures while few years made meteorologists postulated that a new ice age came. Obviously if they mistake then why aren’t they mistaking now? The answer is the same as I said in previous writings, since 1850 approx. that temperatures have a tendency to rise exponential and what is happening in one year or two isn’t significant; we can see that kind of fluctuations are doing in this upward trend. The assertion that the heat of recent years is only a fluctuation of the climate isn’t entirely true. If it would be a fluctuation in temperature, trend moves around a center line, and this isn’t observed even we move our data to many years before 1850. Precisely this was the mistake that made these meteorologists to take only a short interval data. But this statement we must also include those who believe that the change to cold is real. In this posi