
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: febrer, 2020

The prophets of the doom

In 1997 after two years of negotiations some countries signed the climate protocol in the third climate summit in Kyoto. Twenty-two summits after the ridiculous advances fade away like the fog. In the time of climate disasters denial is strong as never and carbon industry grows desperately. The title is the name give for Donald Trump to the climate activist. Despite we are far to the doom, really doom is getting closer to us every day. However economy is turn its eyes and insists to give the same advices about how we are to tackle the future. Economy is kidnapped by the money and these at the same time by the oil. The prophets can be annoying when say that you wouldn’t listen, especially if you know that they are right . The storm is here Why economy doesn’t want to listen to the prophets? This is the real question of the climate mess. If a new virus takes prominence, world make all the necessary measures to front the illness; in the other way endemic illness is hi