Hypocrisy: to fight against climate change in home when own oil is sold far from your home

"... In the oil business, you can work neck up or neck down: the first option you enriches while the second you only get dirty ..."

Taylor Caldwell

Norway, Scotland
are countries that have signed the climate commitment in Paris (well, Scotland no because it belongs to the United Kingdom that is going out of the EU and it doesn’t find the time to do it), and was the first to get in implementation it. This news(read Norway's Prime Minister "champions global change" and Scotland 'leads UK' on climate change), even when the subscribers haven’t been able to ratify within a year it was very spread in the news media committed to the struggle against climate change. But these countries are oil producers, this is now one of its main line of business of these countries, and many of the policies against climate change income paid by oil sales.

Oil a long history of success

The Paris agreement was minimal common assumable, the result of the will of the governments of the USA and China, which are also major polluters, but that accounted for half of the global economy the ravages of climate change affects the directly. However this agreement doesn’t end up ratifying countries had been committed; and the two main promoters, one in China, despite the efforts it has not stopped the increase in emissions, and US are yet to win or not the promoter of the contest Miss Universe because everything had been torn signed.

The current world is mounted on two premises: the growth and infinity use of energy. The first is due of own animal condition, besides being the classic solution of the flight forward. This strategy has been the key to human progress, but is linked to another strategy isn’t so good however equally necessary in this context of growth at any cost: the war that allow to be able to make room when there is no longer room to grow.

The infinite energy is the dream of human power. Everyone as potential male or female alpha has the will and the fulfillment of one of the maximum satisfaction. We all know from experience that our desires with reality usually itch, everyone wants to win but only one wins, everyone wins and frankly if no one has won, won verse implies someone who has been. The powerful are those who win with real power, strength, agility, intelligence ... or rather mystical forces, control hidden, magic ... Hence the fascination with technology, this makes us with magicians, making we believe powerful.

Our awake dreams require huge amounts of energy, needed to produce the devices, or needed to let them go. But energy is not infinite neither free. All the energy we use is from the sun in real time or in fossilized. As I explained in "We must change the way we see energy" the sun's energy has a maximum value per m2 and you can only increase their increasing m2, which obviously will be at expense the available space of agriculture and wild nature. We must learn that solar energy is looking forests where fierce fighting between plants is a place under the sun, which cannot survive without him. The current consumption of energy is only sustainable thanks to the use of fossil fuels.

The commonplace in the industrialized world

Today hardening weather conditions are pushing governments to raise awareness of the climate problem and the need to reduce consumption of hydrocarbons. Now they have begun a race to renewables, having left them in the lurch and pursued. But the power of the oil companies’ investors, fearful of a general failure of these companies, without forget the massive energy-consuming companies (transport, telecommunications ...), make a signed commitment reduction is something very difficult.

It is very easy for relatively little populated countries with substantial income from exports and high-tech; can be achieved with relative ease commitments Paris, as I said earlier is minimal. But the good news needed not make us lose sight of Scottish and Norwegians emissions are doing at miles apart from where they are extracted.

In "Capitains and Kings" Taylor Caldwell puts in an oil tycoon voice of the early twentieth century American "... In the oil business, you can work neck up or neck down: the first option you enriches while the second you only get dirty ... ". The oil business is not in the wells, tankers, pipelines or refineries; This is in the waxed floors of Wall Street, the City and Tokyo, while polluting the planet; and believe me in the sterile environment of the stock brokers never transgress  emission protocols except that they smoke.


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  2. Hypocrisy in the fight against climate change is a significant obstacle to progress. It's essential to hold individuals and organizations accountable for their actions and commitments to reducing carbon emissions. However, it's also crucial to acknowledge and celebrate positive steps taken towards sustainability. Every action counts, no matter how small, and positive comments can encourage and motivate others to join the fight against climate change. Let's work together to create a more sustainable future for our planet.
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