Biodiversity won't save nature because it is a consequence of nature constant evolution

Biodiversity is not something static unless the consequence of birth and extinction of species due the external pressure.

The inaction of the last 30 years on climate change has brought us to the brink of disaster. Wildfires, severe droughts, severe storms or rising seawater temperatures; they are putting our society on the brink of the precipice. But the destruction that climate change is causing is also affecting ecosystems; which, pressured by pollution, the expansion of agriculture, and the general growth of mankind, are putting nature in a critical position.

Today, the constant destruction of natural habitats that were preserved in the distance is a matter of concern. Humanity has reached every corner of the globe, both land and sea, and is just thinking about how to take advantage of it. The planet no longer has sanctuaries, even natural parks or biosphere reserves declared by the United Nations are already threatened by some project to exploit the resources they have. The blindness of our species is huge, forgetting that the benefit obtained from this distant nature is infinitely greater than that which can be obtained from the exploitation of its resources (read: To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs).

But one of the biggest concerns is the loss of biodiversity. It’s really worrying because biodiversity is the gear that drives ecosystems; losing ecosystems the vital support of these species, including humans haven’t chance of surviving.
However, this loss of biodiversity cannot be put in context. The planet has suffered multiple mass extinctions, but biodiversity has flourished again and multiplied again. Biodiversity is not a cause but a consequence of evolution. The species appear and after a while disappear, taking their place another.

It’s so difficult to humans understand evolution. Just look at how the issue of virus mutations is treated. Species don’t adapt to the environment. Evolution is caused by changes in the environment that cease to favor one adaptation to give advantage to another; it is these changes that can make a new species succeed but eliminate others. Nor do we understand that the main engine of change is competition between species; therefore humans simply to exist would already cause extinctions of species in direct competition. All current species have gained their place by separating other species or taking advantage of the disappearance of another.

The loss of biodiversity is a concern for us as a species, we depend on the ecosystem and a mass extinction destroys ecosystems giving way to new ones in which we may not be able to live. However, by nature it is normal and not at all worrying because evolution produces it. After a great extinction, the surviving species adapted to the new environment will flourish in a new era.


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