A white year (Christmas 2019)

Yes, look at the list of publication i've seen that this is precisely the preceding Christmas last year. It is no surprise because this year I have not written anything. The truth is I did have a lot to say but little desire to tell them.

Trash Mountain (Sunday Observer - Sri Lanka)

It's been a difficult year, with forces changes and not all too positive. That did not normally entail too much trouble: rethink goals, deadlines, actions, new ways ... but the overall context does not help. The human stupidity has surpassed me.

I am not someone positive or optimistic, I am always feasible and prepare for the worst possible outcome. Contrary to say a lot of people, it is always easier to manage a positive surprise than a negative. I'm wrong like everyone else, really more than them, this is perhaps the only quality that defines me. But if anyone as silly as I am, could see that we are just like hamsters, running in an eternal wheel without leaving where we are. I'm certainly wrong and this is the best of worlds possible and we don't have to move where we are. Surely I'm wrong and this is the best of all possible worlds and do not need to move from where we are. However you look at indicators of the instruments of this ship is our society that said it touched on the fall drill. Empty words, commitments incomplete, action against what is preached and repetition of "solutions" already failed earlier.

Change is inevitable. A lot of people said that history is cyclical, but really no. We see repeat the result due the serach for the stone where we crash each time. Not everything can be changed for us but we purpose and strive in the direction opposite to the stone of destiny, might have some possibility that the change will be weak.

Today I am in front of a screm trying to wish a happy Christmas and a better year coming. Hard times are coming and I can only wish

Molta sort pels temps que venen

Be carol attached this time, if a song from Justin Timberlake, has any relation about exposed before but is funny



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