How will workers life after total robotic industry?
Terminator returns from future that machines were won the war with humans. The history talk about a rebellion of robots with superior intelligent and they arrived at the conclusion that humans were redundant. NY Times in this article related a history about industry without workers and there are only the first because it will extends to all the world even china and emergent nations.
The mechanization was come the liberation of heavy works to humanity. And its extension was been a point of inflexion with a global health and life quality. On the other hand the progressive advance of mechanization reduces the number of workers in manual jobs too. This reduction is supplied by creation of new kind of jobs, but it never is so quickly for compensation the destruction. The results of them some people are leaving off the system in the process.
The logical evolution will come to total mechanization of industrial work. But not only because administrative work has mechanized too; maintenance, driving, and any kind of work, sooner or late will be mechanized. And the question is: what can we do with the workers if not exist work?
Nobody can think in a future with humans will be living in perpetual holidays because how they pay there if they will not have a salary or all the humanity will receive a subsidy, it’s not an easy solution. One possibility is to distribute the work but can people get pay enough money for their reduced work? The answer is not, because machine need energy (and it’s not free), and the mechanization is doing to reduce employment cost, so worked will not have enough money to living.
Other solution is the current situation: to leave them at their luck. Today the unemployed list rise in all countries. Governments try the old plans that ran well in past but today it isn’t effectives. Even without crisis the unemployed list didn’t disappear but this problem was solved with it paid subsidies at unemployed people and resignation, because experts define this situation with a structural unemployed. But current unemployed derive of changing of workers for machines. Economist talk about reactivation of consumption, but it will not create jobs because factories don’t employed workers.
People must work. Job defines us, and everybody can’t be artist, independent professional or sport player. Job is to most people the reason to wake up every morning (including in holidays). And everyone needs that their lives have meaning, work and sons make this function.
We have two possible sceneries. Apocalyptic scenery with billion hungry people without possible business and hope with factories producing to a few privileged people; or depressed scenery with billion people subsided. Two sceneries can’t be possible because the first conduces to inevitable revolution, and second at the dissolution of society.
Machines are installing by workers and persons has order the installation, so before to continue the total mechanization we must stop and think what will we do, before it will be too later. But today people are carried away by economy and they don’t think in a long future. Without workers there aren’t consumers, and without consumers what is the meaning of the factories.
I don’t propose elimination of machines or to return at manual work, but It is necessary a reconsideration of role the worker in the world, and it before the collapse. In the Terminator world humans had killed because they weren’t necessaries. We must find a role for the worker because at last the machines will win and people will became redundant, and the saddest is that machines will win without one shut.
The mechanization was come the liberation of heavy works to humanity. And its extension was been a point of inflexion with a global health and life quality. On the other hand the progressive advance of mechanization reduces the number of workers in manual jobs too. This reduction is supplied by creation of new kind of jobs, but it never is so quickly for compensation the destruction. The results of them some people are leaving off the system in the process.
The logical evolution will come to total mechanization of industrial work. But not only because administrative work has mechanized too; maintenance, driving, and any kind of work, sooner or late will be mechanized. And the question is: what can we do with the workers if not exist work?
Nobody can think in a future with humans will be living in perpetual holidays because how they pay there if they will not have a salary or all the humanity will receive a subsidy, it’s not an easy solution. One possibility is to distribute the work but can people get pay enough money for their reduced work? The answer is not, because machine need energy (and it’s not free), and the mechanization is doing to reduce employment cost, so worked will not have enough money to living.
Other solution is the current situation: to leave them at their luck. Today the unemployed list rise in all countries. Governments try the old plans that ran well in past but today it isn’t effectives. Even without crisis the unemployed list didn’t disappear but this problem was solved with it paid subsidies at unemployed people and resignation, because experts define this situation with a structural unemployed. But current unemployed derive of changing of workers for machines. Economist talk about reactivation of consumption, but it will not create jobs because factories don’t employed workers.
People must work. Job defines us, and everybody can’t be artist, independent professional or sport player. Job is to most people the reason to wake up every morning (including in holidays). And everyone needs that their lives have meaning, work and sons make this function.
We have two possible sceneries. Apocalyptic scenery with billion hungry people without possible business and hope with factories producing to a few privileged people; or depressed scenery with billion people subsided. Two sceneries can’t be possible because the first conduces to inevitable revolution, and second at the dissolution of society.
Machines are installing by workers and persons has order the installation, so before to continue the total mechanization we must stop and think what will we do, before it will be too later. But today people are carried away by economy and they don’t think in a long future. Without workers there aren’t consumers, and without consumers what is the meaning of the factories.
I don’t propose elimination of machines or to return at manual work, but It is necessary a reconsideration of role the worker in the world, and it before the collapse. In the Terminator world humans had killed because they weren’t necessaries. We must find a role for the worker because at last the machines will win and people will became redundant, and the saddest is that machines will win without one shut.
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