
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: maig, 2013

Are 400 ppm of CO2 the border to beginning the Armageddon, or not?

At last we arrived at 400 ppm of CO 2 in the atmosphere .  Two decades of conferences, commitments and challenges don’t stop the growth of CO 2 atmospheric concentration. But we aren’t listening celestial trumpets or seeing angels armed with fire-swords down from heaven. It’s true, the predicted Apocalypse doesn’t start yet, but the barrier of two times the concentration of CO 2 of pre-industrial age is significant not to be a round number bur it had never exceeded in the last 600,000 years . However importance is that in first we are entering in ‘ terra incognita ’ with respect to fossil records, and second ours mathematic climatic models are out too of confidence interval; and now anything unforeseen or expected can happen. What does it mean Terra Incognita? As I explained in: Really are temperatures stopping its rice , climate models are a set of nonlinear differential equations and as such are very conditioned to the boundary conditions; this determines the calculation in l

Why oil and coal consumption is growing day by day?

Greed may explain many of the incongruous things that humanity tends to do. With complete certainty in the caves there were some Mr. Scrooge and all kinds of people trying to take advantage of the work of others or no interest in community affairs. But it would be simplistic to think that our problems come from selfish attitudes, all things considered many of the mistakes and atrocities in history were made thanks nice people with good intention added to ignorance, and record of stupid actions has that was making for love. But surely the little of selfishness that we all have, which individually doesn’t affect because most people behave when it is the moment honestly and generously, acts collectively producing really disasters that historians of all times trying to analyze and understand. However there are the most important elements that produce much more damage in my opinion, and we don’t usually deal with because they are part of our normal functioning, at the same time we believe

Fracking, I can’t understand anything?

Today have we faced an energy crisis? No Today are we in front of climatic crisis? Yes So, do we must extract energy at any cost? NO, NO and NO Why we have this obsession to extract oil, and other hydrocarbons, from anywhere and at any price? No there are deeper see, higher mountain or sacred site where if it has one drop of oil exits one company that want to take it. Doesn’t matter how deeper they must drill or how many square kilometers will need raze of forest, fields or villages, for oil is allowed all.  Night light of gas burning in air Not too long ago, in time of financial debauchery, when oil was very close to peak , prices of it rose to levels unseen and demand seemed that had unstoppable. In this context, with renewable energy in its early stages and people in the midst of madness of wasted energy, among others, Fracking might seem a solution because higher prices of oil turned it into cost effective. But today when oil producers reduce their extracti