
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: març, 2013

Cyprus European Union and the return of the Middle Age

A week was passed but we are stupefied with the events happened in Cyprus. Euro-group wants to pay Cyprus citizen part of rescue of their banks from their bank deposits. Today (25/3/13) at last there are a solution of problem , or so it seems. BCE pressure with to close credit line at Cyprus banks, Cypriot parliament refuses to make pay citizens the bankruptcy, Cyprus's government tries to sell the soul in Russia if UE turns back, and Euro-group saw that it just jump by a precipice where the end of which there is always a crash. Final solution tries to maintain alive Cyprus and getting hurt in the attempt, but it could avoid the markets down and capital flee.   Cyprus is failure . This was evident a year ago where its banks, over-dimensioned for the size of the country, experienced the pardon of a portion of the Greek debt. This may be a perfect excuse but not so sure if the Greek state can pay what it owe, even the pardon of part of the debt; so certainly the end result wou

The dream is far away today

Space the last border With this phrase start all the episodes of a low budges series called Star Trek that will slim three seasons, but forty years later it has generated one cartoon series, four spinoff, twelve films and more of eight video game; without to think about the millions dollars wined with its merchandising. In fact it was a science fiction series born at the culmination of the space race ; and like others of that time has an improvement technology respect to the 50 years but the approach was the same: new worlds, monsters, dangers and final victory of dominant specie what is humans (of course). However, its success will be in place all its action in a new and different context. Enterprise is a spacecraft that belongs to an interplanetary fleet, Earth is a planet confederate with others planets which have other smart life forms with biology independent of us; the relationship between humans and aliens is on equal terms, with alliances and enemies these can change acc