Climate Change will lead humans toward global war
Humans had begun their history more before of 100.000 years ago. In this time interval had lived several changes of climate. There was softly as a little ice age between XVI and XVIII centuries but others had been very strong as a finish of Würm glaciation. But any of these changes ware harmless for humans; in every change humans experience changes their current society even greats imperium ware downed as Roman. Sometimes historians talk about problems which carry this societies to the collapse, but several of this causes have origin in climate changes which difficult communications and make problems in economy so it will become fuel that increase the little problems which these societies have before.
Human have the habit to do the same mistake every time. Science, the main motor of our develop, is always despise by the beliefs, even when these beliefs were proving that are wrong. One of these wrong beliefs is that humans has above the nature; it doesn’t matter that every day we have probes of our mistake (Philippines typhoon 2013, Polar vortex, England floods…) we believe that we want to believe.
In current days we are experiencing several extreme weather capitols due to global warning. Some people deny this change but majority of people is agreeing in diagnostic but current human society doesn’t do anything or the few actions are weak in front the size of problem. Many people don’t want to change their current and comfortable way of life; but in background of this attitude there are the conviction of humans can adapt to the change with no more problems thanks to the technology: people until today it has managed to solve of all. This last affirmation is false because humans had a lot of black periods of their history. Nothing is sure and every species sooner or later will extinct.
Time ago I has write about the perfect storm that is becoming. But I prefer today talk about the article of Nicholas Stern “Climate change is here now and it could lead to global conflict”. They talk about climate affect people and society and how with every new strike of extreme weather people becoming poorer. Economy can’t suffer indefinitely these strikes and in time conflict is unavoidable.
Thinking in a climate peacefully transit is a chimera. We don’t know the real final direction of climate (cool or heat), but today global warming is a fact. The quantity of energy stored in Earth’s climate system grows day by day, even if temperatures don’t rise (read: are temperatures stopped). Increase of energy is linked with extreme weather increase. In other hand CO2 continues growing part due to increase of temperatures (feedback effect) part due to the folly environmental policy (Warsaw disaster). So extreme weather will increase, and communication, industry and agriculture will receive the consequences, in no more years we could see images in developed countries that we thinking only possible in third world.
Our world is adapted to the current climate. Our geography and ecosystems depends of climate, and changes requires adaptation which will not be as quick as it require because we have made the optimization our main key of success but optimization is often contrary to the flexibility. Many societies will collapse in front of change as today happen in undeveloped countries where population flees of them. Obviously the current migration is due to other problems but hungry, droughts, floods and desertization are in the basis of it, and climate is close relate to them.
Today migration is moving several million people in the entire world, and it’s making in troubles developer countries. What could it happen when migration will be moving thousand million people? How developer countries can stop million people in front their borders? And How could governments hold social peace when their streets will be full of people without possibilities to eat? The answer is they can't. Authoritarian governments and false messiahs will appear as in countries where received migration as population is forced to migrate; fight is unavoidable.
Climate change is the greatest challenge that affronts humanity in the lasts 10,500 years, and in this remote past humans hadn’t a global society and less to be 7,000 million people. It’s less probable that humanity will be stinted of climate (but we will not be the first, mainly this is the usual form how extinct species), but our civilization could dead under a global war. In our hands and intelligence are the future of our species, don’t disappoint our children.
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