Gas tanks, fracking and more human ideas

People have a bad concept of time. I think that people see time as an object stopped, similar a space. It’s true that time is other dimension but it’s false that it is stopped. Time is move with us. When we see a hole long away, the best solution is will not go there; but in time we can’t do it and sooner or later we will down in it. Sometimes people ignore this reality and even to see the hold in horizon they do as hold never will come here, but time never stop; hold arrive and we can’t do nothing also.

Humans have the capacity of planning. Even we don’t have a good concept of what is the time, we can schedule our actions. This capacity makes able the success of our species. But how deep is our schedule capacity? Of course we can’t schedule our actions until infinite because we aren’t able to know all constrains that are around us. As I said in “Reality always overcomes the numeric models” there are effects as Butterfly Effect or the human ignorance generate unforeseen which could convert in nothing any plan for precise and detailed that would be. In this context we scheduling in present time and temporal target that we put in our agenda are in current time no in the future, because future only exist in our mind. When we schedule, we reproduce in future the past structure; but past hasn’t problems of change, nothing can change thing that happened, but in future all could be happen. We arrived in this point we must thing that only usually things happen most probable; and in short time our schedule is very effective, but probable doesn’t mean sure and as more time is passed less probable things could pass.
Schedule is one of our great adaptation but has a problem, it’s linear as our mind and doesn’t distinct between near event and far event; both future and past. Our mind can visualize excellently the near time events but it isn’t able to visualize far events as geological or cosmological dimension, and our projection in future are happening the same, so we are treating as a same way events with a years away or tomorrow. For example we put right a bottle and if it maintains right the next seconds we are sure that this bottle will be equal until the end of times, this thing are wrong sooner or later bottle will down because the most stable position is down. The bottle example illustrates why we can do very amazing actions; we see a red line that we can’t cross, but we cross first a little, how it pass nothing we penetrate more, but we ignore exactly what we trigged with this action and results of this will be showing late when we are so long away of red line for to return.
Fracking (thing that we expose my opinion before) is one of these amazing issues that happen in current dies. Thanks the high price of fossil fuel, fracking can be a profitable business; but this price is artificial, it due for reduction of production when atypical fuel will became to market price will down other time, making investment ruinous. Of course normal drill can down more the extraction to maintain prices but sooner carbon tax and reduction of emission CO2 will make Fracking, Tar or Shale Gas redundant. What prevision had promotes of these practices? and What will say at investors when they will lose their money? I don’t know but today promotes are gaining indecent amounts of money from this investors. But today governments and financers are moving for drill more, because they only see the current money that it move without thinking what will be happen tomorrow. And tomorrow can be worse because nobody was thinking in the geological damage or how could clean subterranean contamination of water; today contamination begin to show it face but even we stop practice contamination will be dirtying water because stones are breaking now and nobody can repair them.
In current dais in front coast of River Ebre there are one of these disastrous events. One day I named this practice the antifracking. We are extract gas and oil destroying the land under our feed but there are too much gas and costs too expensive to store, solution put into extinct oil drill. But the question is liquated gas is in pressure more high than oil has underground in more oil drill, and Can impermeable layers that trap oil resist this pressure?. The answer until now was yes, but in front of river Ebre its geology are weak and now there are earthquake. Now the injection of gas is stopped but earthquake are continuing because the effect doesn’t begin the day of fist earthquake, this is a process began when firs litre of gas was introduced in the extinct oil field, pressure time and fatigue was the elements that process was play and today we can see the consequences. This situation has a point of drama that authorities doesn’t say I think for avoit panic situation, but we can’t to have in consideration: this oil field is in sea, above a geological fault and near of abyss; I can be a little alarmist but the real danger or tsunami in west Mediterranean is plausible. But we can thing that was be a bad election and the other geological storages of gas that oil companies are making in all the world has better constrains, until today it has happened nothing; but it isn’t guarantee of nothing because gas into the storages continues pensioning geological layers and break of this aren’t guarantee.

Sometimes I thing that we are play with fire, and who plays with fare will become burned. We are making risk practices without enough guaranties, and we must pay there expensive. Progress isn’t the reason to do anything. Progress must run beside of knowledge and we can’t do thing for to see what will happen and less in great scale. Today humanity has a great power for do great thing, but errors are the equal size of things that we can do, our errors can’t destroy the planet because the current size of our actions are ridiculous as size of planet and nature, but humanity has less size and today our actions could put humanity in danger.


  1. L' aturaran,u donem per segú,el tema es cuants diners recullirá el Florentino.

    1. tota la inversió, perquè està en el plec de condicions. Tenir amics és tenir un tresort


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