
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: agost, 2012


Today more or less everyone has heard about climate change and the greenhouse effect. Another thing is that everyone really understands the same when they talk about these two concepts. When the same academic don’t agree on many aspects of the climate, it’s unrealistic to think that the general population has a unique view of the events that affect the current and future climate. Everything concepts and Climate Change and Greenhouse are two concepts that attempt to describe unambiguous easily. Climate Change is exactly that means its name: the climate change is only the pass-through of a particular climate state in other different. It is a very common situation that has happened several times in the life of our planet and for some historical times. It is a traumatic event for a living beings but characteristic of the weather luckily frequency is small compared to the lives of most of these beings, allow periods with calm. The Greenhouse is a quality of our atmosphere which allowed lif

Method and imagination

Today computers are extending the entire world. Their size and potencies are very assorted so like their utilities. Computers have come in our lives that work for us. Without their intervention we never have arrived at technological and knowledge level that we have today, level unimaginable before, even science fiction literature. The unstopping growing of potencies helps us to confront a lot of problems with awkward solution that we can do methodic solutions when the problem didn’t allow analytic once.  Method is the best thing that you can do when the problem has a knowing solution and the method is just for it. Method is fast and sure but it’s restricted at the specific problem that it thinks. Sometimes we can extrapolate the method at the similar problem even there are methods that we apply at all the field of problems. But more times we are tempted to take the short lane and to apply methods that we know, at all the problems that we can find, even when the problem has specific me

The finish of North Pole ice can provoke a new ice age

The paper publicized in Nature “ Western Arctic Ocean freshwater storage increased by wind-driven spin-up of the Beaufort Gyre ” (Katharine A. Giles, et al. 01/2012), authors talked about a great bulge with 8.000 Km3 of fresh water that is caching between ice and saline water. In the last years its size tends to grow, and the phenomenon is linked to climate change. The origin of fresh water is the water of the rivers that flow into Artic Sea and snow of ice layer thawed. This water doesn’t blend with the Artic water and its size has a fluctuated seasonal. Why exits a bulge fresh water and does it blend with Artic water? I can explain it. If you take fresh water and you put into salt, salt dissolves quickly; but if you take fresh and saline water and both put into glass slowly both liquids continue without blended, similar water and oil. This behavior is caused by different density of them also if we stir them water blended. In the sea happens the same but in surface there are win

How will workers life after total robotic industry?

Terminator returns from future that machines were won the war with humans. The history talk about a rebellion of robots with superior intelligent and they arrived at the conclusion that humans were redundant. NY Times in this article related a history about industry without workers and there are only the first because it will extends to all the world even china and emergent nations. The mechanization was come the liberation of heavy works to humanity. And its extension was been a point of inflexion with a global health and life quality. On the other hand the progressive advance of mechanization reduces the number of workers in manual jobs too. This reduction is supplied by creation of new kind of jobs, but it never is so quickly for compensation the destruction. The results of them some people are leaving off the system in the process. The logical evolution will come to total mechanization of industrial work. But not only because administrative work has mechanized too; maintenance, d

Hot today doesn’t necessary mean Cretaceous Climate tomorrow

We are now in one of the hotter summer until we have data, and affect all north hemisphere. The extreme climatic episodes has augmented in last years and it’s a prove the begin of climate change.  The most relevant effect is the growing of mean planetary temperature associate at the growing of CO 2 concentration. Both grows are simultaneous and the most preoccupant of them is that is making with exponential form. But can we affirm that the future weather will be the same of the Cretaceous age in a few years? The answer is not trivial. The growing of greenhouse gasses help to grow the atmosphere temperature, and the growing of temperature augment the concentration of this gasses, this fact is naming Feedback. Feedback is the main mechanism to guide the atmospheric processes. There are same studies that show the correlation of CO 2 concentration and temperature, and there are numeric models that demonstrate this correlation. This thing don’t mean that we had burned a lot of fossil fue

The drop that makes a glass overflows

If you fill a glass until the top and the last section we do drop to drop, we reach a point where a drop enters the glass begins to overflow. We can consider that the penultimate drop completed volume of the glass and last drop did not fit and so it fell by the side. So just get out there would expect a drop, but in reality much more water overflows. This behavior is caused by the surface tension of the liquid that links the surface preventing it from breaking, thus the last drops before overflow don't fit but tension doesn't let water to fall by side. When it starts to overflow? So when the weight of the liquid is higher than the tension, the surface loses its mechanical consistency and breaks, it let out all the excess liquid. There are other metastable situations that after passing the threshold of stability, under certain conditions so close to threshold, it remains stable until they were disturbed or too move away to threshold. The instantaneous vaporization of water’s gl