
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: abril, 2023

Solar cycles life cycles

For most people on this planet, the Solar Cycle is like talking about the sex of Martians. Science in general is perceived as something alien to our world, even though in reality all of our technology, medicine, and in short, everything we know today as a way of life, is the result of years of effort in this field. Apart from material progress, science sheds light on the world around us; this natural world that we consider ourselves to be separate from, but on which our lives depend . Solar flare in X ray The Sun is not just for tanning and powering photovoltaic cells. As we learn in school, it is the source of life for plants, which in turn provide us (and our livestock) with food, and it also powers our weather. Of course, it is not expected that people know everything about what the Sun does, but each sneeze of the star should be seen as something more important than a scientific curiosity or an apocalyptic headline. Today, in the midst of climate change, it is important to know tha