
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: desembre, 2020

Despite everything, it's Christmas again (2020)

This year 2020 has been an atypical year. It’s the year of the pandemic that’s not unusual in human history; in fact it happens more or less every 100 years. What has been unusual is the treatment: instead of letting the natural selection, that the immune systems adapt (as they end up doing) and that the mutations of the same virus lower its lethality (this is what happens to the virus, for survive virus is not interested to kill its host); for the first time it has been decided to fight the virus. Nothing went well . Many people have lost their lives, others their way of life. It said: crises bring out the best in everyone. Unfortunately this has shown that this isn’t true. To the efforts and dedication that a small part of the population has done, the rest we have responded with protests and complaints; the five minutes of daily applause do not make up for the demonstrated lack of collective responsibility. Each claim, complaint or denunciation we could read implicitly "only f