
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2016

Hypocrisy: to fight against climate change in home when own oil is sold far from your home

"... In the oil business, you can work neck up or neck down: the first option you enriches while the second you only get dirty ..." Taylor Caldwell Norway, Scotland are countries that have signed the climate commitment in Paris (well, Scotland no because it belongs to the United Kingdom that is going out of the EU and it doesn’t find the time to do it), and was the first to get in implementation it. This news(read Norway's Prime Minister "champions global change" and Scotland 'leads UK' on climate change ), even when the subscribers haven’t been able to ratify within a year it was very spread in the news media committed to the struggle against climate change. But these countries are oil producers , this is now one of its main line of business of these countries, and many of the policies against climate change income paid by oil sales. Oil a long history of success The Paris agreement was minimal common assumable, the result of the will o