
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: setembre, 2015

Humans evolved towards Borg or we will fall in love to own smartphone

Some days before, one post title caught my attention: “ In The Future We Will All FallMadly in Love With Our Toasters ” (by Tom Critchlow). He pondered about the relation between us and our electronic kits. I used word kit with the two senses because our relation with the smart phone is deeper than own sons . What are a person when the lamp has the same reactions Is Pinokio only a lamp? It could possible to fall in love with the cat. However it’s a living being and gives you its senses and affection ( cat sometimes, dog forever and ever ). But toast is something and inanimate, nevertheless in this post shows the a little film ( IsPinokio only a lamp? In Vimeo, but the extend version is linked below in Youtube) when the lamp take animation and interacted with our movements and expression. I remember an old cat that every morning climbed on Romba (sweeping robot) which carry it for all the house, but the most interest was seeing cat go to Romba when it was stop and remain