Oil falls below $ 90
Posted in Linkedin Oct 16 2014 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/article/20141016104438-186157434-oil-falls-below-90?trk=prof-post It seems very good news. Historically low price of energy reduces production costs especially with an extremely tech world as the current. But now the paradigm is completely contrary , the financial economy governs the world relegating industry and agriculture to a second order. Today buy and sell moves the world not produce. Oil is one of the more products that financial markets buy and sell, and it mean that follows the marked rules in terms of price. But oil had an artificial price. When created OPEC, it was grouping major countries which had greater oil reserves by the standards of that time; it created a Mega Dumping that killed the oil market, because if the price down production stopped and this turned up. Since the 70s the world energy economy has been captive to the decisions of these countries. Although now it's different, most of...