
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: març, 2014

Really, What can be able to do? and What can’t?

After Napoleonic wars the new king of France ( Louis XVIII ) was worried about the delay in in industrial technology. War was isolated United Kingdom but their steam machines raised in productivity while the continent machines were stalled. So Louis XVIII was sent to England an engineer named Sadi Carnot for to see and to copy what England industries where doing in their machines. The surprise was that machines are equal as before war. What had happened? In fact it was happening one thing impossible in the thermodynamic theory of epoch. Watt and their heirs had the patent of steam machine until 1800 (in middle of Napoleonic war) and it born a lot of companies dedicated to build machines steam; and this new companies apply an empirical evidence discovered by mechanical that repair this machines: as great is the temperature better is the machine performance . This evidence was in contradiction to the Caloric theory , and when Watt had been building machines never increase more the ...

The carbon bubble

Atmospheric CO 2 is arriving other time at 400 ppm . Obviously last moths it was under mythic threshold but to follow the sawtooth graphic seems that the problem was overcome, but on the contrary graphic trend is growing in exponential. However as I related in “ Are 400 ppm of CO 2 the border to beginning the Armageddon, or not? ” to pass the threshold doesn’t mean that climate begins a spiral of weather disasters. Deniers, in their crusade against the evidence in climate , have profit of a cool winter for beginning their ridiculous idea of Global Cooling . Global Cooling is possible but to put tones of CO 2 in atmosphere isn’t a solution because Earth will be heating until CO 2 and temperature will take other time the equilibrium; but in other hand high CO 2 could do a rebound effect which will carry climate to the Ice Age (read “ The day after Tomorrow ”) CO 2 is growing and nobody does anything. The more powerful oil industry moves all of its influences for to stop ...