
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: juny, 2013

Living seated on a mountain of corpses

Dhaka.   Thousands people are working into the building full of the chaos, materials, machinery and finished products. For a miserable salary hours of intense work, suffocating atmosphere and no hope for a better future; their future is working for survive themselves and their sons. In a building made without accurate, oversaturated of workers, machines and merchandises, it is manufacturing the western dream of products cheap, beautiful and without responsibility. But one fateful day the dream was truncated. The advertisement of engineers, noise of structure and movements of building didn’t serve, responsible of the production didn’t want to lose time and money; and suddenly building took away the life of more one thousand people . But actually these thousands and millions people of the so-called in developing countries haven’t life for so long. The industrial revolution in the XVIII century appeared redistributes human labor. Usually people associate industry with factory, bu

We must change the way we see energy

What does it mean Renewals Energies ? Strictly nothing, energy is used and never comeback. When we refer to term renewal, this term design a kind of energy which has sources that are regenerate in natural form. It can be a good definition for more people and very similar of majority of definitions in internet, but Oil , for example, can entry in this definition: today Earth continues making oil; in other side Geothermal Energy that is including in renewals category, in fact it doesn’t: geothermal is due to the potential energy of all Earth material had before formation which warmed interior of planet when joint then, volcanoes and earthquakes are cooling slowly the earth because there aren’t any energy input, except of nuclear and gravitational tidal both of very inferior order. So what is due that we believe the reverse of what they are? Essentially because oil consumption is much higher than the capacity of its formation, so much that we can consider today Earth don’t make; and