
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: febrer, 2013

Nuclear fusion between energetic solution and dream

¡Que toda la vida es sueño,  y los sueños, sueños son! Calderon De la Barca Traslate For all of life is a dream, And dreams, are nothing but dreams . There had been a time when the future was seeing as a world full of light and spatial engines. That world showed us a peaceful people in houses with automatic doors, kitchens working order by our voice, car flying over cities and all kind of electric tools what would make every our dream. But this time was finished in 1972 when oil began its particular ascension to sky and after then energy left to be a cheap resource. Before energy had been a very cheap thing, most of it we could obtain by a natural sources (as a wind, river water or animal strong) and also was free. The industrial revolution increased the consumption but the introduction of mineral coal supply the insufficiency of natural, that item was increase the price of energy because it’s Necessary was the use of labor (mining), however mechanization arrived to mina too

Deep impact

If we are reading this post now, it means that last February 15th happened nothing as was expected. On this day the lowest perigee object ever recorded passes close to Earth, 2012_DA14 with 50 m diameter and 190.000 Tm of weight (see NASA video with characteristics). This doesn’t mean that they haven’t previously been objects that pass closer to Earth, more if we think that Earth is 4,500 years old, simply we haven’t recorded in the few hundred thousand years of human existence. But much of the ignorance about if it has never been closer objects is because we really can’t until last 50 years that we can detect objects of this size, so whenever you have a sufficiently close to Earth was a surprise and a concern, not so much if we were mistaken in calculating the trajectory of this particular, and the fact that if one day find some its trajectory that will clearly impact with Earth.     It may seem like a horror movie, but there really is an alien threat and it isn’t an ext

The Atomic Age is dying, but it refuses to die

The need for solutions to the problem of CO 2 in the atmosphere has to be thinking about all the possibilities in the field of energy. At the moment we don’t find satisfactory solution is the replacement of fossil fuels and it is possible that there not be if we following that approach of happy hour with energy. One of these alternative solutions more like is nuclear power. Its attractive is economical, today it still retains the glamor of modern from old fashion times and it can keep the current power demand, which renewables can’t do. On the other hand you also against three things: a large part of public opinion oppose to it, too much size for main and strategic utility, and last and most important is expensive.   The Nuclear Energy was born from the need to lower the cost of producing plutonium for atomic bombs, and as to camouflage a civil military installation. So the origin is residual and with the price of energy at the time when it emerged it had made it unviable outs